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Karla Vega

Microneedling….or no thank you?

Ok, so I came across this new beauty craze….mirconeedling, aka the Vampire Facial. Do you all know about this?

I was so curious to see what this was all about so I decided to go onto good ole’ YouTube. I watched a vlogger thoroughly go through the process of doing it by herself in her own home. (You can prob get this done at a spa too but I’m pretty sure it would be a good chunk of change). Apparently, it takes seven days in total to see the results. This facial promises to ‘treat and improve wrinkles, fine lines, large pores, and dark spots’…..just to name a few. Sounds like every women’s dream facial, amiright? Especially if you are experiencing any of these issues?

Watching this vlogger, around the seventh day, I was enthralled at how amazing her face looked.  She posted each day to show her viewers what her face was experiencing….redness, peeling, etc.  for the first couple of days and then whole new skin and face for that matter on that glorious seventh day. I’m not gonna lie. She legit looked FABULOUS. (Personally, I think her skin was pretty amazing before she did this IMO). Her skin literally shined and glowed…to the ultimate highest power. For real. But watching her perform her home microneedling adventure was downright scary, not to mention painful looking.  The key is to constantly use an aloe vera plant to ease any of the pain through the process. Which makes sense because your skin is ‘raw’ and exposed. You will bleed….A LOT. I think this is what was a little unnerving to me. Her forehead was a bloody mess while she continued on to her cheeks and chin, all while speaking in a calm demeanor to her audience. I have to say, I give her a LOT of credit and she def has way more guts then I do. To say I’m a scaredy cat is an understatement when it comes to blood. So, although her face looked amazing,  I think I’ll hold off on doing this facial for the time being. Major props to this brave and beautiful vlogger for giving us an in depth look into this daring facial. Who knows? I might want to try it with all the incredible results people are getting with it. What about you? Have you tried this new facial? And if so, how did you feel about it? 

Oh heyyyyy Beauty Queens!!


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‘Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.’  –Coco Chanel




Fashion & Style

Welcome to My World…Fashion 101

‘Not Your Average Fashionista’

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve loved fashion. Always wanting to play pretty pretty princess with my mom’s makeup and clothing, I knew some day I would want to help women feel confident, sexy, classy and beautiful in what they were wearing.  Growing up, I never conformed to any trend or style. It didn’t matter if it was name brand or a no name brand. To me, who cared. If I liked something, I wore it.  Simple as that.  One day, I could be in a blazer with jeans and a white tee with some mules on, the next I could be in Adidas shell toes, a hoodie and some oversized comfy as hell jeans.  I had my own style and continue to pride in my own unique look. That is what fashion is about. Do you ever realize that fashion repeats itself? So it doesn’t matter if you are rockin’ your denim jacket and pant set outfit. Put it on, feel amazing in it and walk like you are on the goddamn runway. And if it is not the latest fashion ‘trend’, if you must, wait a couple of months, it will be. But does that even matter? I have some clothes that I used to wear in college, that I wear now. Wouldn’t you know that those are the most items I get complimented on? The point is FASHION is what you make it to be according to what you are comfortable in. There are so many things that society tells us to be like. How can we pride on individuality when we all dress and look the same? PSA alert….I am going to be THAT voice and tell you, if you have to think twice on a piece of clothing, DON’T! Just put it on and ROCK IT OUT! And strut your stuff in it!  Sometimes, I wear the most craziest pieces, and people have told me, “I could never wear that. You have so much confidence.” Do you know what I tell those people? I ask them why couldn’t they wear that. Of course they can!! CONFIDENCE IS KEY.  Fashion is what YOU want it to be and make it to be. Fashion is what aspires you and inspires you. Fashion is whatever the hell you want to wear. Fashion is uniquely YOU and has no boundaries. It is all about expressing who YOU are. So, if you feel beautiful in it, confident in it and amazing in it, THEN WEAR IT proudly!! And importantly, step out of your comfort zone and wear things you normally wouldn’t wear too. Your whole mood and outlook on clothes/style/trends will change and you will become even more confident!!

Spread the RED

And the Kolor of the month issssssss…..R E D.

Seems appropriate because it is close to Valentine’s Day right? Something about the color of red that screams sexy. Wouldn’t you agree? I mean you can rock an all black outfit with a nude lippie and the outfit seems a bit..well you know, blah. Add a bright red lip and we are talking total game changer. It will make the outfit pop but will also scream fierce, boldness, confidence and a total badass. With that being said, this month, here’s to spreading the love and all the RED……

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