March 12, 2020

Traveling Tips in this Day in Age



Jetblue ended up cancelling our flights to Aruba next week. Aruba closed it’s borders and they couldn’t guarantee a flight home for our group, so they just ended up cancelling all together. So, the decision was made for us. Of course, the year I have all these trips planned, is the year that there is limited travel. Agggghhhhhhhhh!!! Ok rant done. Until the next trip with Trippin’ It with the Vegas’!!


As we approach Spring Break in the next week or so and lots of people trying to get their travel on, you can’t help but be concerned and worried with everything that has come to fruition about the coronavirus. As of March 11th, the WHO has declared this a pandemic, which is pretty effing scary. It doesn’t help that everywhere you look on the Internet, T.V., phone etc. is talking about this virus too. Is this a mass hysteria or actually rules for concern? A lot of people, especially ones who live in colder climates, book a trip this month to get away from the cold, like to the Caribbean, FL, or any other warm escape for that matter. They book way in advance with something to look forward to, only to be told now that they shouldn’t go. What do you do?  Do you cancel your plans to go away or do you continue to live your life and go on your trip anyway? I have a girls trip planned in two weeks that we booked in September ’19 and I am tackling this question.

I reached out to my friend who is an ER nurse and she shed some light on traveling in this day in age with this rapid sickness going around. She advised me to bring in my carry-on the following… wipes, hand sanitizer, gloves and masks. Her advice was as follows (along with being cautious and aware of my surroundings):  have the gloves on as soon as I get to the airport and change them frequently. When I get to my seat, wipe the sh*t out of my tray, armrests, and the seat itself, THOROUGHLY.  She also told me to turn the air on but not directly on me, because the air on a plane is ‘circulated through hospital-grade HEPA filters which remove 99.97% bacteria as well as the airborne particles that viruses use for transport’.  She also mentioned when going to the bathroom, wipe EVERYTHING down, before touching , sitting, turning on etc. and stated that before flushing, close the toilet lid too.  As for the masks, she mentioned, those aren’t really a deter in preventing getting sick. The only pro about the masks is that it will prevent you from touching your face which, just like the common cold or flu, can be contracted human to human, by touching your nose, mouth, ears etc.

So, the big question lies. If your airline hasn’t canceled your flight and is still a go, what do you do? It really comes down to you and how you feel about the whole situation. Use your discretion. If you feel comfortable with doing all these things above, then generally speaking, you should be fine. But if you are having a panic attack over it, postpone your trip to a later date when you are more at ease. 

Do you have a trip coming up? What are your plans? Would love to hear some feedback from you with your thoughts, concerns, and comments regarding this! Please let me know🤔

To be continued…….


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