October 10, 2020

Feed Your Mind, Body & Soul 📚

Boss Babe Status……

For any female trying to be her own boss, Girl Code, is a book you need to read. Revealing secrets for ‘success, sanity and happiness’, Cara Alwill Leyba lays down the foundation for you on how to be successful at being your own boss. Being true to yourself and what you want is key to making sh*t happen for you. What I like most about this book, is that Leyba interviews female entrepreneurs who have become successful and powerful in their field.  And harps on the montage, ‘if we can do it, so can you.’ Honing in on fears that are holding us back and pushing them aside to really pursue what our dreams and aspirations are. An uplifting book for any female entrepreneur who wants to make a name for herself.  Start bossing up and read this book! 

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